Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Stimulation of my Mind that Always Occurs at the Wrong Time

Lately, I've been facing a dilemma.


It's not that I haven't been getting enough of it, what with being able to sleep in for another two weeks until camp, but when I lay down in my bed, I like to drift off gracefully.

But my mind has another idea.

Me: Okay, well I think I'm just going to sleep now. let my mind be filled with thoughts of unicorns and marshmallow fields with candy mushrooms.

Mind: Haha, nope.

Me: Excuse me?

Mind: Hey, remember that time you fell down the hill dressed as Batman?

Me: *blushing shamefully* Yes, that was a week ago--

Mind: I think I'm going to make every single part of your body itch insanely right now! 'Kay?

Me: Wh--

Mind: Hey remember each and every single humiliating and dreadful thing that ever happened to you?

Me: Kill me.

Mind: Sleeping on this side is boring! Let's sleep on your other side! Or maybe your back? Facedown? Spread eagle?

Me: Okay, let's just--

Mind: OHMYGOSHWASTHATLIGHTNING?! Hey, what are you going to wear tomorrow? Did you remember to turn off the basement light? Let's reenact the final battle of Les Miz right now! Maybe one day you'll be on Broadway! Hahahahaha, no. Quick! Side change! Flip! Nah, let's go back. Hey, remember when you ran into a wall. Of course you do! You run into them all the time! Hey, I just remembered another embarrassing thing that's happened to you! You want to think about it all night? Okay!





Me: What. Just. Happened.

And after that excruciating process that lasts MUCH longer that it may seem from above, I finally drift off peacefully.
The End.
(P.S. One more thing! If you'd like to submit a guest post remember to email me at! this will be running until September 1st. More information can be found here:


  1. Omg, you have a very active mind at bedtime.

  2. That is completely me! Pahaha this post made me laugh a lot...

  3. I. Totally. Agree.

    Usually for the first, ah, half hour I just lie in bed and think, because I happen to get good ideas thinking before sleeping. But then when I WANT to fall asleep my brain keeps going, "Hey, remember that vacation last year when you went to Hawaii?" And one thing that I do way too often is imagine conversations that I recently had and think about what I could've said. Sigh. It takes me way too long to fall asleep.

    And ooh, I think I'll write a guest post! Now I just need to think about what clever topic the post should be about...

    1. Yes! The conversation thing happens to me ALL the time! Yay for a guest post :D.


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