Monday, May 27, 2013

Happy Memorial Day

It's that time of barbecues and swimming, and let's not forget that bonus day off of school! Yes, Memorial Day is here again, and we get to relax and kick back with a book and a slice of watermelon.

But why don't we stop and think for a moment about why we have such a sweet deal.

Soldiers fought and fought for our country, so we could live our lives in comfort. Even today, there are soldiers serving our country, serving us. So take a break from the fun--just for a second--and think about not what you're doing, but why you're doing it.

So to all those soldiers who fought--and those who are still fighting--I raise my hand in a salute, and encourage all to do the same. I have nothing more to say but "Thank you".

Have a safe and relaxing Memorial Day weekend.


Saturday, May 25, 2013

I Think I May Lose Several Followers For This...

I've been debating whether or not to post this for quite some time now. But I can't hide any longer.

I've been keeping secrets from you.

This has been going on for too long now. I need to open up. Deep breaths, deep breaths. Before continuing any further, I warn you, dear reader to brace yourself. The content you are about to read is disturbing, and is not for the faint of heart. Okay, here it goes.







Yes, it's true. While all my friends (and perhaps some of you bloggers) go gaga for treat, I turn away, with  tad bit of disgust. Please do not think badly of me. I can tolerate a sliver, but not much more. It's not the crust, nor is it the topping, it's the middle. Now, if the middle were to be 7 Hershey's chocolate bars, well! But I am most certainly not a fan of that lemon, or key lime filling.

I'm sorry.

I had to come out.

Feel free to scorn me.

Staying pie-free,

Thursday, May 23, 2013

All I Want...

It occurred to me late last Thursday that all I want--all I really, truly want--is for someone to send me an "Edible Arrangement."
I mean all I really want is for someone to send me one of these just amazing, mouth-watering, fruit arrangements that are equally as fun to stare at as to eat.
Selfish? Yes. I'm sorry. I want world peace, and happiness, and all that stuff--but look at it. Look at it.

Sunday, May 12, 2013

The Liebster Blog Award

It would appear that the Liebster Blog Award has made a pit stop at my blog during it's continuous journey through cyberspace. This time, I have the lovely Nina over at her blog to thank. Let's begin.

  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • Answer the eleven questions set for you.
  • List eleven facts about yourself.
  • Nominate eleven bloggers with less than two-hundred followers who you feel REALLY DESERVE this award. REALLY deserve it. Really.
Well, I've already linked Nina, so...
Number One:
What is your favorite band(s)?
Well, I'm not much of a Direction-er, and for some reason that's the only band I can think of at the moment--ah, yes! Imagine Dragons. I could listen to "It's Time" allllllllllllllllll daaaaaaaaaaaay. That's actually the only one of their songs I know, though ^_^.
Number Two:
Favorite Book(s)?
If you have read even ONE POST on my blog (or perhaps just looked at my pen name), you should know this. For those of you who may be a little slow...HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!
Number Three:
Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr?
I have none of these, but I do adore browsing around on Tumblr like I do on Blogger :).
Number Four:
Favorite school subjects?
I'll rank them: #1: Band, #2: P. E. #3: Math #4: English #5: World Studies #6: Science  (Mostly because I just don't like my teacher's teaching style) #7: French (Again, teacher problems. My classmates are awful, and the teacher is extremely passive)
Number 5:
Future career?
I honestly have no clue. I LOVE music, but that may be more of a hobby thing. I really like space and astronomy, too...
Number Six:
How would you describe yourself?
A highly-functioning sociopath ;). Haha. Really, I suppose I could describe myself personality wise as a blend of insanity, randomness, awkwardness, and some other fourth adjective.
Number Seven:
What would you like to change about yourself?
I hate certain things that anger me. Like when someone copies me. I'm sorry, but---

So, yeah. I would change that.

Number Eight:
If you had one wish what would it be?
100 wishes. Not unlimited, because in every movie like that, something bad happens. and I've seen a lot of movies, LOL.
Number Nine:
Film or book that made you cry?
Movie: Les Miserables. Book: Harry Potter #6 and #7.
Number Ten:
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be?
Hogwarts. It exists!
Number Eleven:
Political standing?
I ignore every sentence with the word "Political" in it. Sorry!

Well, that's done. Now for the facts!

1) I like dogs.
2) I don't not like dogs.
3) I enjoy canines.
4) I don't not enjoy canines.
5) I ran out of ways to say I like dogs.
6) Never mind, I just thought of another one.
7) It'll be in the next fact.
8) Haha, I lied.
9) Don't worry, it'll be here soon.
10) I promise.
11) I broke the promise.
Well! Would you look at that? Eleven facts! Now for the nominations.
And now it's Question Time!

What is your favorite musical/play?
Books or Movies?
Are you an HP fan?
Favorite thing to be doing on a weekend?
What's your guilty pleasure?
Longest book you've ever read?
Hot beach or freezing snow?
Favorite superhero?
Play any instruments?
Where are you as you answer this?
Dark, milk, or white chocolate?

Have fun!

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Opening Night

Well, last night was opening night, and despite a few minor errors, it went really well. Everyone loved it. It flowed smoothly and the cast reacted to holdups well. At one point, the Oompa Loompas were late getting out the boat for one of the scenes. Wonka just stood there and said, "That boat's always late. We should really get it checked out." The audience likes that. Wonka's mic wasn't on for the opening number, but he projected really well, and I could hear him from my spot in the back of the gym.
Curtain call was great. The ensemble got half a standing ovation seeing as there were so many of us, making a good percentage of the audience our friends and family. At the end, though, the director hadn't told us when to go offstage, so we all just kind of stood there in an awkward silence. Every time the applause died down someone in the cast would just start clapping again until the director shooed us offstage :).
All in all, it went really well. Thank you all so much for your support.