Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Happy Summer!/Summer Update #1

Sorry this is late, but I just wanted to wish you all a happy summer! I, like many of you, got out on the 14th. In those five days (wow, only five???) a lot has happened. I...
>Volunteered at a preschool summer camp as a somewhere between counselor and CIT.
>Okay, not that much has happened :P.
But I've had a lot of fun, and will update you more on my summer later.
So, how's your summer going? Are you happy to be done with school? What are your plans? Type your response in that little box down there and comment!


  1. Cool, what color contacts did you get? Or did you get the clear ones?

    My mom had asked me if we wanted to put up the swimming pool again this year or not, but I said I'll think about it. last year I was all for it and swam a lot, but this year I'm just not feeling it. So I don't know what to do about that.

    1. I just got clear contacts. If I were you, I would set up the pool. One of these days you might wish it was up :).

    2. Awesome, and thanks for the advice. ;)

  2. Hi, Hermione! I feel so bad, I haven't commented here in awhile!

    Congratulations on getting out of school! *claps and cheers*
    I have exciting summer plans...I'm in China!
    I'm going to stay here for three-ish weeks :) Not that I speak the language very much, nor do I look a thing like a Chinese person, but so far it's been really fun! (except the 12 hour flight. That was NOT fun).

    Do contacts hurt? I don't have glasses or contacts, but putting something in your eye...ouch!

    1. Lucky you! China seems SO cool! Hug a panda for me, 'kay?
      Contacts feel itchy at first, and take some getting used to, but or the most part they're not painful. It's scary touching your eye to put them in and out, though, because your pretty much going against every instinct you have ;). Grr, lucky 20-20 vision people!


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