Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Water Balloons!

So do any of you guys like water balloons? I hope so! On Saturday, I had a GIANT water balloon battle with my friends--we had about 100 water balloons!
It was such a hot day, that our neighbor (who was outside) came over and stole one of our water balloons. So we did what any rational girls would do: we through one at him.
Well, you can see where that landed us, and pretty soon it was a one-against-two battle. Too bad he wasn't wearing his bathing suit!
What did you guys do over the weekend? Do you like water balloon battles?


  1. Haha that totally sounds like a blast!

  2. LOL, sounds like fun! I can't believe your neighbor had the courage to do that. :P

    I love water-balloons but I haven't played it in years. Would like to though. :)

  3. Yeah, we actually heard his sister saying "Don't do it!" (she knows us so well) :D


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