Saturday, December 8, 2012

Time to Make You All Cry

*Waring*: Contains spoilers for Harry Potter.
This paragraph was created by a fan, NOT J.K. Rowling:
At Luna’s wedding, the whole of the front row seats was reserved for apparently no-one. Harry went up to her at the end of the service. “Luna, who was meant to sit there?” Luna turned her glassy eyes to him. “Oh, they did sit there. In a spiritual way, I suppose” she said. She pointed out the seats one by one. “Right. That one’s for my mother, those are for your parents because I think I..would have liked them, that one is for Sirius, the one next to that was for Professor Lupin - they were friends, weren’t they? - and thats for Tonks, then Fred Weasley, then Mad-Eye, then Professor Dumbledore, then Professor Snape. I hope they liked the wedding.” She smiled and waved into what was seemingly empty space, before prancing off into the crowds. Harry had never felt so touched before.
"Every mirror is the Mirror of Erised to George Weasley."

Now, of you'll excuse me, I have created a river with my tears and must leave before I drown. Sorry if I caused any permanent heart-damage.


  1. HP will never bore me. Ever. I <3 it sooo much!

    1. How could one possibly be bored by Harry Potter? It's just impossible.

  2. Oh Hermione. Oh, oh, oh! That picture of George - OH!!!!! I don't know...if I can go...oh, oh, oh...

    Anyway, on a slightly lighter note, I've nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award! ~ devilish grin~

  3. H-H-H-hermione.....*sniff* WHY?! *faceplants on table sobbing*

    1. I apologize for any face planting :(. Sometimes I believe I need to think twice about posting these things...

  4. I just realized that the font you use for your post titles, is the same that I use, but in a different color! Mind. Blown. :D

  5. I literally started weeping at the end of that story and then with the Mirror of Erised picture and quote....... HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!

    1. I-I'm sorry, but sometimes I find it good to let out my Harry Potter feelings once in a while. If I keep them all bottled up, well...we get some nasty results.

  6. Harry Potter is my favorite series of books ever!! =( the quote about George Weasley is very sad. I've read the series 11 times through...and your name really Hermione?

    1. I agree with both the quote being sad and Harry Potter being the best. I do wish my name was Hermione, but I just use it for my pen name :).

  7. Do you read Harry Potter fanfiction? I thought it sounded bad but then my friend MADE me read one called 'Breaking the Quidditch Code' (set with the next generation of hp characters) and it was AMAZING! Try googling it! It's SO good!
    ~Ruby at

    1. Hmm...I've never really had any intention of reading fan fiction, but maybe I'll give it a try...

  8. I'd add your button to my blog (though my blog has no readers so I don't know what good that'll do you) but I don't know how... do you? =)

    1. Hmm... I can't say I do. *Virtually pretends blog button is on Audrey's blog* There! That makes it better...sort of.


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