Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Blog Changes!

I have a very important post planned.
First of all, yes, I am sorry for not posting like I promised, but we've all heard THAT one before. Now that that is out of the way (yes, auto correct, I DID mean to write "that" twice), Here is the importance of my post: I'm changing my blog. You probably noticed the new look (my collage on the top is a little too big), but I'm also trying to post more often. We've all heard that one before, too, I know. But this time I mean it.
Not that I didn't mean it the last seven-hundred thirty-six times, but this time I'm going to stick to it. I'm very busy throughout the week, but there's no reason I shouldn't be able to post once a week!
That is all.
Love and bubble wrap,
(P.S. If you like my collage, I made it using Photo Visi. It's really fun and easy, and you should check it out!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! I'd been doing all these different looks and then I tried this one and thought "This one, this is the one i'm going to stick with."

  2. Aw, no worries. It's your blog. You can post as little or as much as you like, anytime you want. :)

    1. Thanks. It's not like I don't want to post, but I have trouble finding time :).


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