Wednesday, August 8, 2012

I'm Just Awful

I'm so sorry! I've been just awful about posting...shame on me. I'd like to say I've been busy...but that would be lying. I do have one excuse: Harry Potter. 
Yes, I'm re-re-re-re-rereading the series. It's funny how sometimes I forget how amazing the books are...but, of course, that's MY opinion. I just want to let you know that no matter how strongly I hold that opinion I will NOT make rude remarks like "WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!???" or something like that. I will disagree with you, not argue. (There's a difference, right?)
Anyway, I have recently realized that with every great book there are flaws. So, I present to you...
For those of you who haven't read the series, this can help you discover if the books is your cup of tea. It certainly was mine. Actually, I don't really like tea, so...mug of cocoa? No, no, it's to hot here to think about drinking hot cocoa. WAIT! I'VE GOT IT! Glass of lemonade. Okay, read on and discover if this is your glass of lemonade. I like that, people should say it rather than cup of tea, don't you think? Oh, right, the post.
  • The characters are practically alive.
  • It's as though you have entered the story yourself.
  • The words come alive and paint a picture in your mind.
  • It's not a book meant exactly for humor, but you find yourself laughing hysterically at some parts.
  • You also might find yourself crying at others.
  • J.K. Rowling was able to put the characters' emotions into you.
  • You think you know a character...but then you discover there's so much more *ahem* *cough* Snape.
  • J.K. Rowling wrote Gilderoy Lockhart based on someone she knew... I find that highly amusing for some strange reason.
  • The detail is simple yet i gives a clear picture in your mind.
  • I just HAD to choose a Harry Potter names as my pen name!
  • The names...let's just take a moment and think of how creative the names are: Hermione Granger,  Vernon Dursley, Dudley Dursley, Albus Dumbledore (Dumbledore means Bumblebee in old English), Minerva McGonagall, Neville Longbottom (Longbottom...I just...oh my gosh...), Pavarti and Padma Patil, Severus Snape...I could go on and on!
  • I have so many more reasons, but not a lot of time!
I'm sorry, this would be an EXTREMELY long post if I continued, so I had to stop.
  • 7th book: Why are they camping so much?
  • Harry gets a little aggressive in the 5th's kind of scary.
  • You get really attached to a character...and BAM! Just like that, they're dead.
  • James...such a jerk...I just hate much. Except I love him 'cause he's Harry's dad. I'm complicated.
  •  Seriously, what is up with all the camping in the 7th book?
  • That's it.
I want to here YOUR opinion on Harry Potter. Do you like it? Why or why not? Was it your cup of--I mean, glass of lemonade? Please none of that "EVERYONE WHO LIKES HARRY POTTER IS STUPID, EVERYONE WHO HATES IT IS SMART," or vice versa.
Until next time, when I present...
101 Ways to Use Magic to the Fullest!


  1. Hello,
    Sorry if I have already told you this:
    I nominated you for the versatile blog award.

    I love Harry Potter! I've read the whole series a couple of times. The first time was the best because I really had no idea what was going to happen. The last 4 movies still weren't out yet.
    And I totally agree with getting attached to the characters an then there just gone! It's so heartbreaking!
    I love the books because it takes you into a world you've never really lived, yet a lot of it deals with things we can relate to. Okay not the whole dark lord trying to kill me thing but the fighting with friends, girl-boy scenarios, death of family members, new school, trying to make friends. The list goes on.
    My teacher read it to us when I was just 7 years old and I have been hooked ever since!
    Marian :D x

  2. I love your blog!
    I've only read the first Harry Potter Book, but I'm planning on reading the second.

    1. Thanks so much! I'm really glad to hear you like my blog...but not as happy as I am to hear you'll be reading the second book! I try super hard not to post any HP spoilers in my blog, but if I do, I'll be sure to write spoiler alert. My sister read the 7th book before me and whenever she would start to say something about it, I would put my hands over my ears and yell "NO SPOILERS! NO SPOILERS!"
      Thanks for following my blog!

  3. I LOVE Harry Potter, I mean seriously it is AMAZING (excuse CAPs please). Here is a quote about HP that isn't really a quote and one you probably already know but whatever: "Just when you recover from a character dying, J.K. Rowling kills another one." Unless you are a super slow reader. LOL

    1. Very true of my favorite qutes of all time is one that J.K. Rowling said herself: "Whether you come back by page or the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home." That line just makes me want to cry :').

  4. Oh yeah i've heard of that one. Which house do you think you would be in? I would think for me, Ravenclaw or Slytherin. Yes a proud Slytherin

    1. Well on Pottermore I'm a Gryffindor...although I think that's a mistake and the sorting hat should've put me in Slytherin...OH MY GOSH IT'S LIKE I'M HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Well on Pottermore I'm a Ravenclaw so that's pretty much right. By the way what "gadget" (on your Layout page for editing your blog) did you use to write: Awesome people following this blog" and "Ooh now you can look at my otehr blogs! How wonderful" ?

  6. Wait never mind I found out. Sorry

  7. Cute blog sweet! I've yet to finish all of the harry potter, i stopped at the 4th last year and am trying to re read them. And the 'why are they camping so much' bit really did make me laugh :'). They do camp an awful lot! Anywho, i'm a new follower, you can check out and follow my blog if you wish at

    Tata, Leah xoxo

    1. Thanks! I'll DEFINITLEY follow your blog, too!
      ^^^Did I spell that right? Definitly? Defenitly? Oh, no wait, it's "definitely." I hate that word. I can never spell it right :P.

  8. I agree with all the points on your list - and yes, for some reason it is rather amusing to discover that Gilderoy Lockhart is based on a real person! ;)

    Catherine (fellow Harry Potter fan!) :) x
    The Book Parade


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