Saturday, December 15, 2012

Connecticut Shooting

One man.
His gun.
26 innocent victims--the majority of them children.
It makes me sick.
Why do people do this? Why do they bring harm to other people who had never even entered their lives before?
There is no word that is able describe this. I'll be praying for the victims and their families all throughout this week.
I read about these things and cannot believe how lucky I am. These children, with their whole lives ahead of them, will never know what could've been. And I'm still here. With a future ahead of me. It's enough to make anyone put away all of their sorry and realize how lucky they are.
Stay safe,


  1. I agree. 20 poor, innocent children that never in any way did anything to the man. He even killed his mother, and after that, himself. One woman, a first grade teacher, was killed but saved her entire class by blocking the children. These pointless, cruel deaths are just horrific.

  2. If he really wants to kill himself, if that's the choice he really wants to make, then fine. Do it, but don't take out 26 other lives in the process! That's what I would have to say about the matter.

    1. My thoughts exactly. Mess with your own life, not the one of another!

  3. Haha sorry but I also nominated your blog for an award...

    Have fun, and sorry if you already got this award!


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